PSA has dropped from 9 in February to 4, which is sensational!

I talked to my oncologist about chronic fatigue and depression. Since starting the new hormone therapy I have been struggling with lack of motivation and energy. If I do physical work or exercise I end up with sore muscles. And I am putting on weight. Plus I am struggling with depression.

We agreed to drop the new hormone tablets for six weeks to see what impact that has. Then we will do bloods and scans for the next meeting in three months to review PSA and tumour activity.

The oncologist will see what mental health resources are available and I will also talk to my GP about this.

All things considered it is a pretty cool result.

Good health and happiness to all! Cheers, Phil

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  1. Lesley Braddon says:

    You are a legend Phil.
    Keep on keeping on.
    Lots of love from Lesley
    And Margaret xxxxx

    • philblog100 says:

      Thanks to both of you! It’s just one foot in front of the other! I hope you are both well. Cheers, Phil

      • Lesley Braddon says:

        I imagine it is – but you just keep putting that foot in front of the other. We are both well, thank you for asking. Mum is 8 weeks post op from a hip replacement and is doing absolutely marvellously.
        Love Lesley

  2. Dan says:

    Sensational, indeed! Glad to hear that your PSA is behaving the way you want it to. With luck, you can find the right balance with the hormones to reduce the side effects.

    All the best. Dan

  3. Following. Your mere presence here is helping more people than you can possibly know. Thanks and Peace.

    • philblog100 says:

      Hey Frank, thanks so much for stopping by and reading my posts. If my work helps people cope with their own circumstances then I am a very happy man

      • You are accomplishing your mission and more, Phil. Thanks & Peace.

      • philblog100 says:

        Thanks Frank. I have been working through your posts, and it looks like my experience has been a walk in the park compared to yours! I sense that you have a pretty strong spirit and character, especially dealing with all the ups and downs and the challenges that the health system throws at people in our position. Wishing you peace, health and happiness. Cheers, Phil

  4. Responding to “Thanks Frank. I have been working through your posts, and it looks like my experience has been a walk in the park compared to yours! I sense that you have a pretty strong spirit and character, especially dealing with all the ups and downs and the challenges that the health system throws at people in our position. Wishing you peace, health and happiness. Cheers, Phil”

    Thanks for checking out some of my posts, Phil. Your heroic journey is no walk in the park by comparison in the least. All the best and cheers, mate!

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